Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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What Was Said at the Burns Supper: Speeches about Robert Burns and Really Bad Scottish Jokes Best Washed Down with a Wee Dram - Alan McColl

What Was Said at the Burns Supper: Speeches about Robert Burns and Really Bad Scottish Jokes Best Washed Down with a Wee Dram - Alan McColl


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Book description:

Robert Burns. The flawed hero of Scottish culture, a poet who inspired a nation, a man loved by the ladies despite his debauchery, appreciated by the menfolk in the pubs with his songs and stories, a bankrupt, and a commentator for the common man against the pomposity and corruption of the elite classes. Sounds like he could fit quite well into today’s society. And that is why this book is about bringing our dear Rabbie into today’s world. Speeches about our Rabbie Burns tend to be boring recitations. This book contains speeches about Burns that bring him to life again, recite many parts of his works, add humor and imagine him in a variety of situations that today’s readers will understand.

Robert Burns is often referred to as the National Poet of Scotland, and his life and works are celebrated throughout the world, particularly on his birthday, January 25, with a dinner and program named Burns Suppers. This manuscript consists of the annual Immortal Memory Speeches and Master of Ceremony Scripts that were given at Burns Suppers in Traverse City, Michigan.

  • Publisher : Mission Point Press (November 15, 2022)
  • ISBN : 978-1-958363-37-9
  • Retail price : $16.95 (hardcover)
  • Pages : 118
  • Size : 5.5 x 8.5 inches

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