Jonathan P. Hawley
Dr. Jonathan P. Hawley, a resident of Frankfort, Michigan, for twenty years, along with his wife, artist Peggy Hawley, earned his PhD in political science at the University of Missouri-Columbia. His career included university teaching; ten years’ staff service in the US House of Representatives, during which he worked toward the establishment of Michigan’s Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore; and nearly two decades of corporate public affairs consulting. Upon moving to Frankfort, Jon became a founding board member of The Friends of Point Betsie
Lighthouse, serving throughout his ten-year tenure as vice president and president during the historic light station’s restoration and the construction of its museum. A retired member of the board of the Grand Traverse Regional Community Foundation, he serves on the board of Frankfort’s Benzie Shores District Library, and is a Rotarian. Jon is the author of Point Betsie: Lightkeeping and Lifesaving on Northeastern Lake Michigan (2008), and From Artisans to Artists: Betsie Bay’s Historic “Island” Story (2014)