Richard Fidler
Richard Fidler taught seventh and ninth grade science for thirty-one years in Traverse City, Michigan. He loves ferns, flowering plants, jumping spiders, ant lions, map turtles, and belted kingfishers. The University of Michigan Biological Station provided a foundation for those interests, and he is forever indebted to the professors there who helped him to wake up to the natural world. Out of his academic leanings drove him to earn a B.A. in East Asian Languages, a B.A. in Biology, an M.S. in Biology, and later an Ed. D. in Science Education, all from the U of M. After finishing his career in
education, he became an author, writing seven books about history and nature. Presently, he lives along the Boardman River in Traverse City, enjoying the ripples of rain on the water, the shadows of overhanging boxelder trees, and occasional visits of a Great Blue Heron. Besides those delights, he participates in get-togethers with his wife, two children, and four grandchildren. How lucky he is!