Walloon Writers Review Fifth Edition
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Book description:
Walloon Writers Review Fifth Edition is a collection of poetry, short stories and four-color photography all about experiences and reflections of Northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula.
Featuring Michigan writers and photographers and others with ties to the region, this exciting collection is suitable for general audiences and captures the unique experience of the northern part of Michigan.
The Fifth Edition contributors are:
Joyce Brinkman
Tim Chilcote
Rick Fowler
CJ Giroux
Grace Giroux
Steven Hooper
Steven W. Huder
Deda Kavanagh
Kelly Tingle Kazmierski
John Lennon
Ellen Lord
Raymond Luczak
Helen Raica-Klotz
Charles Rammelkamp
Greg Rappleye
Skip Renker
Nancy Renko
David Anthony
Sam Melissa Seitz
Jan Shoemaker
Shelley Smithson
Phillip Sterling
Edy Stoughton
Taylor Tucker
Edd Tury
Steve Ullom
Robert Vivian
Glen Young
Amy Zaranek
CELEBRATING FIVE YEARS IN PUBLICATION, this edition of Walloon Writers Review once again features both well recognized contributors and first time in print. A collection inspired by the natural beauty of the region, Walloon Writers Review seeks to share experiences, tales, memories and impressions unique to Northern Michigan and the UP. Walloon Writers Review Fifth Edition is edited by founder and editor Jennifer Huder and Associate Editor Glen Young.
Walloon Writers Review is an independent literary magazine published annually in print only. All rights remain with the original contributors.
103 pages, illustrated, full color
5.5 x 8.5 inches
ISBN: 978-1-950659-31-9 (Softcover)
Retail price: $12.95
LITERARY COLLECTIONS / American / General PHOTOGRAPHY / Subjects & Themes /