Wacky-Doodle Work Trucks - Mary Reeber Krater
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Book description:
What’s a Chocolate Stash Thrasher? What’s a Gummy Picker? Why they’re silly trucks, of course!
What’s a Skid Steer? An Impact Hammer? A Striper? They’re trucks too, but real ones that do extraordinary work.
Children will giggle and use their imaginations with these fun, colorful images of not so ordinary trucks, doing not so ordinary things. From harvesting snow cones to moving mountains, these trucks will delight children and parents alike.
Publisher : Mission Point Press (July 18, 2023)
ISBN: 978-1-958363-88-1
Retail price : $24.95 (hardcover)
Pages : 36
Size : 11 x 8.5 inches