Topic: Recovery by Tom M.
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Book description:
Meetings and the 12-step program of Alcoholics Anonymous are the foundation of recovery from addiction. A valuable aid for leaders and members of addiction recovery groups. Topic: Recvoery is an inspiring and helpful guide fo provides sixty-three discussion-group topics.
Topic: Recovery is an inspiring and helpful guide for members of 12-step addiction recovery programs and discussion groups. The author, Tom M., has been sober for over forty-five years and is a long-term member of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). He is a counselor at a mental health treatment facility, where he chairs three recovery meetings a week.
The number-one reason for failure to stay sober is holding on to resentments. Topic: Recovery advocates for letting go of resentments through forgiveness and prayer. The book also addresses the common issue of relapse: its consequences, how to prevent it, and what to do when the urge comes. Many discussion topics also center on gratitude—for positive life changes, feelings of self-worth, the mending of valued relationships, and the gaining of trust and respect.
The book is intended as a guide for program members who are leading discussions, or just wanting to talk about anything of concern.
It presents sixty-three suggested topics grouped into categories which roughly follow the arc of recovery: Acceptance & Surrender, Doubts & Convictions, and Maintenance & the Road Ahead.
Discussion Ideas for Alcohol and Drug Addiction Mettingsby Tom M.
86 pages; 5 x 8 inches
ISBN: 978-1-950659-66-1 (Softcover)
Retail price: $12.95
SELF-HELP / Twelve-Step Programs SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / Alcohol
SELF-HELP / Substance Abuse & Addictions / Drugs