The Wild Jalopy - Kathleen Potemko Hopkins
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Book description:
The Wild Jalopy is a book of poetry by Kathleen Hopkins published posthumously by her loving husband, Howard. The poems, enhanced with pen-and-ink drawings by noted illustrator Michael Morris, celebrate joyful living, the pleasures of reading, the fire of creation, of wonder, of a secret life. Readers will recognize in these poems their own life experiences: the feeling of elemental existence, the searching for solace, the humor of first-time parenting, and the restorative pleasures of nature. Kathleen had no idea that her poems would ever see print; with this publication, Howard seeks to bring their light and joy to others.
If you’re sensitive to the wonder of words and to having your heart touched and your mind stimulated, you’ll find pleasure in reading The Wild Jalopy.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (May 4, 2023)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-73-7 (hardcover)
- Retail price : $19.95
- Pages : 36
- Size : 5 x 8 inches