The Crescent Shaped Moonflower — Jenny Kozlow
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Book description:
The Crescent Faced Moonflower is about a young Moonflower who is learning about the world around her.
As she grows, she realizes that the night sky she focuses on each and every evening is only part of a bigger and more diverse world.
She wonders if she is the only Crescent Faced Moonflower in the valley.
She looks to her left and she looks to
her right and sees things that were always
present but not known to her before she became curious. She wonders how many other things are unknown to her but exist all the same.
What is the relationship between herself and the other flowers in the valley? Between the sun and the moon? Between that which is seen and unseen?
As she grows she is able to understand more about her place in the world and the mystery that gives it it ́s wonder.
22 pages
8.5 x 11 inches; full color
ISBN: 978-1-950659-91-3 (Softcover) Price: $14.95
ISBN: 978-1-950659-21-0 (Hardcover) Price: $19.95
JUVENILE FICTION / Family / New Baby
JUVENILE FICTION / Family / General