Our Nest in the Universe: Poems, Essays, and Short Stories of a Year in Northern Michigan - Jeffrey K. Leestma
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Book description:
Experience the enchanting tapestry of the four seasons in Northern Michigan through the vivid lens of poems, essays, and short stories. Follow the author, his wife, and their German shepherd as they transition from the bustling city to the serene embrace of the woods.
Nestled among the maples, oaks, and poplars of their new home, they discover a rejuvenating haven that offers profound insights into life amidst nature’s splendor and the diverse wildlife.
While poetry takes center stage, the book also weaves in fictional short stories rooted in historical facts, inviting readers to explore the magic of Northern Michigan’s ever-changing landscape.
Discover the pages of Our Nest in the Universe and embark on an unforgettable journey, uncovering the extraordinary within the ordinary.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (July 11, 2024)
- ISBN : 978-1-961302-87-7 (Softcover)
- ISBN : 978-1-961302-65-5 (Hardcover)
- Retail price : $14.95 (Softcover); $19.95 (Hardcover)
- 126 pages
- 5 x 8 inches