Once Upon a Loon - Scott Rykken
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Book description:
While watching a heart-warming story unfold during a peaceful morning looking out at a Minnesota lake, Scott Rykken took a remarkable series of photos of a loon, a painted turtle, and a muskrat interacting. It was touching to see how different species could interact so peacefully. The cover photo was originally posted on Facebook and went viral, shared by thousands of viewers and seen by millions around the world. People were reminded that friendships can happen at any time and in many forms. The photo was the inspiration for this picture book about how friends love and help each other.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (November 11, 2021)
- ISBN : 978 -1-954786 -60-8 (Hardcover)
- Pages : 18
- Size 11 x 8.5 inches
- Retail price : $24.95 (Hardcover)