Oakwood’s Living History: From the Progress Club to a New Future – A Family History - Ward Katz
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Book description:
Since 1881, the Progress Club, and then its successor, Oakwood Country Club, have been integral parts of the Kansas City community, providing a home for social, recreational, and business functions as well as marriages and other monumental occasions. This book tells of that rich history using a storehouse of archival photographs and recollections from past members.
Through most of its history, Oakwood was widely considered to be a Jewish club and, as such, it is the second longest continuously running organization in the Kansas City Jewish community behind only Congregation B’nai Jehudah.
Today, the club welcomes a diversity of members and celebrates the extensive improvements brought to the facility by a group of members led by Ken Block.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (June 12, 2024)
- ISBN : 978-1-961302-57-0
- Retail price : $39.95
- 166 pages
- 8.5 x 11 inches