Jan's Journey: A Portrait to Last a Hundred Years - Bill Blanchard
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Book description:
Jan was an outstanding teacher who inspired students and teachers alike until multiple sclerosis forced her to retire. In this poignant memoir, Jan's filmmaker husband relates the story of her journey through life and how it was shaped by things both large and small. He recounts how they chose each other to share their future, taking the reader beyond their “happily ever after” wedding day to portray their love story to its end. Though Jan’s illness is present, this is not a book about her disease, but rather about a well-lived life with a sad but uplifting ending.
Publisher : Mission Point Press (June 29, 2023)
ISBN : 978-1-958363-84-3 (hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-958363-85-0 (softcover)
Retail price : $29.95 (hardcover); $19.95 (softcover)
Pages : 497
Size : 6 x 9 inches