It's a Doggone Life - Joan Schmeichel
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Book description:
By Joan Schmeichel
A Parable For All Times
THESE ANIMALS ARE TOP OF THEIR BREEDS, blue ribbon winners, every one of them. They are treated by the Feeders to a life of luxury: salon level pampered care, beautiful, private houses, spacious, grassy kennel. Every single day it’s fresh food, fresh water and two special biscuits. That is, until the day the Feeders don’t come. This is the story of the day the Feeders don’t come. And the days and the days after, when they meet up with Silver, of Silver Mix Breed.
This is the story of Bass, wise leader and Bassett Hound; Golda, beautiful, sultry Golden Retriever; Blackie, haughty Black Labrador; Bull, taciturn English Bulldog; Francis, vain French Poodle; Berna, peacemaker and Saint Bernard; Pitt, surly Pitt Bull and Chuchu, flighty and fidgety Mexican Chihuahua.
You can find other books by the author by clicking here.
Paperback: 90 pages