Letters for Healing: The Therapeutic Power of Writing to a Lost Loved One—Revised Edition - Von Kopfman
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Book description:
Letters for Healing is a collection of letters and songs that were written to lost loved ones as a means of therapy. The book also includes information on how the reader can write such letters, and explains in detail why handwriting to a lost loved one is beneficial psychologically. Letters for Healing also includes a collection of song lyrics based upon some of the letters, and recordings by Von of those songs.
This is a workbook to accompany the Letters for Healing book and includes hints and advice from the author, Von Kopfman, on how to get started.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (September 22, 2022)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-12-6 (hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-13-3 (softcover)
- Retail price : $29.95 (hardcover); $16.95 (softcover)
- Pages : 190
- Size : 6 x 9 inches