Fun on the Farm with Dodi and Dee - Tara Wilson Evans
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Book description:
A heartwarming account of two girls growing up on a Mississippi farm during the Great Depression.
Dodi and Dee grew up during the hard times of the Great Depression, but they used their vivid imaginations while sky gazing, creating corn husk dolls, playing in the watermelon patch, or helping mom in the kitchen. The book evokes an era of simple pleasures and sibling love, of close family and friends, and days filled with farm chores mixed with playtime.
Fun on the Farm with Dodi and Dee is illustrated by Maxine Davis with charming details from the 1930s. Contains recipes and instructions for making a quilt.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (December 5, 2023)
- ISBN : 978-1-961302-29-7 (hardcover)
- ISBN: 978-1-961302-28-0 (softcover)
- Price : $24.95 (hardcover); $14.95 (softcover)
56 pages
- 8.5 x 8.5 inches