Fiona Finds Her Purpose: A Story of a Black Lab, Two African Wild Dog Pups, and Their Brief Encounter - Karen Rieser
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Book description:
Fiona Finds Her Purpose is a story of survival under unlikely circumstances. A pair of African Wild Dog pups come into the world only to be abandoned by their mother. Their zookeeper, determined to keep them from bonding with humans, must find a lactating African wild dog to foster them. There are none to be found, at least not right away. Meanwhile, miles away in a kill shelter, a black lab abandoned for having given birth to stillborn puppies awaits her fate. Will their paths cross? What will the future bring?
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (November 2, 2023)
ISBN : 978-1-961302-12-9
- Retail price : $16.95
- 6 x 9 inches
- 94 pages