Dementia: A Love Story - Stephen Lewis
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Book description:
Because the other morning as we were getting ready for the day, Carol said, in the plaintive tones she sometimes uses in articulating this word, "Steve," uttered with a look on her face that indicated something was bothering her, or perhaps scaring her. As I was standing right next to her bed, I took her hand, and said, "I am right here, Steve is right here," and gave her hand a little squeeze for emphasis.
"Thank God," she replied, articulating those two words quite clearly.
And that is how the love between dementia sufferer and dementia caregiver sustained them both as this disease did its terrible work ...
how they both somehow strengthened each other...
how in recording in journal form the jarring juxtaposition of the course of the disease and the necessary continuation of day to day life as best it could be managed ... how this book tells a love story like no other.
Stephen Lewis has accomplished a rare feat in writing the slow, painful erosion of Carol, his wife, a sufferer of early onset dementia, juxtaposed with the story of their love and the happy years before the disease stole her from herself. The story of Carol is set forth so vividly that the reader sees her with his eyes, every step of the way. The subject of caregiving is universal; its expression in this memoir is unique: Two lives, beautifully lived, and beautifully written. —BOOKLIFE PRIZE 2021 FINALIST
- Pages : 319
- Retail Price : $17.95
- ISBN : 978-1-950659-94-4
- Dimensions : 6.14 x 9.21 inches
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (March 8, 2021)