Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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Death Lease — Peter Marabell

Death Lease — Peter Marabell


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Book description:

By Peter Marabell
Published by Mission Point Press

In 1922, Augustus Sanderson hired Charles W. Caskey, architect of Grand Hotel, to build a “majestic cottage” high on the East Bluff of Mackinac Island. The Sanderson family spent summers enjoying warm weather and cool breezes off the Straits of Mackinac. They hosted elegant dinner parties for friends around the island. Camille Sanderson, like her ancestors, assumed responsibility for the cottage when her turn came. The lease for the land was transferred to her name as was the family custom. “Mackinac is my home,” she often said.

The lease remained in her name after she married the imperious Conrad North. When Conrad led for divorce, Camille was stunned to learn that her name had been removed from the lease, replaced by only one name, her husband’s.

Camille turns to private investigator Michael Russo. “He’s taken my home,” Camille said. “Get my home back.” So Russo begins a journey awash in deception, forgery and murder as he attempts to untangle the web of lies that enveloped Camille Sanderson North’s life on Mackinac Island.

Author's website: http://www.petermarabell.com/

For the author's other titles, click here.

  • Retail price: $15.95
  • Series: A Michael Russo Mystery
  • Paperback: 298 pages
  • Publisher: Kendall Sheepman Company (April 10, 2018)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0990310450
  • ISBN-13: 978-0990310457
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.8 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

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