Chase It, Rocket! Win or Lose—We Learn - Mike Kesterke
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Book description:
How do you act when you WIN? — How do you act when you LOSE?
Rocket, the English Springer Spaniel and his buddy, Mike, enter Quincy Park for their daily work and play time. Then … the story is interrupted with BREAKING NEWS!
It’s Chip Twigger from WNUT News with a special announcement from Zinger, the leader of the Quincy Park Squirrels. Zinger is outraged at the way Rocket chases the Park squirrels! Since Rocket caught him in the last story, You Can Do It, Rocket! Persistence Pays Off, his friends all call him Pokey. He’s MAD, and he has a PLAN to settle the score! Uh, oh! Better watch out, Rocket!
Chase It, Rocket! Win or Lose – We Learn is the second book in the Rocket Stories series. Written from Rocket’s point of view, the book offers opportunities for some deep discussion about sportsmanship and accountability. Colorful and humorous illustrations help bring this series to life!
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (February 28, 2023)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-55-3 (hardcover)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-56-0 (softcover)
- Retail price : $24.95 (hardcover); $19.95 (softcover)
- Pages : 42
- Size : 11 x 8.5 inches