The Inner Path: Calmness, Compassion & Conversation in Turbulent Times- Ron Adams
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Book description:
In a world of deep polarization, we need a path to navigate our life journey. This book provides a way to move beyond the issues that divide us toward a life of calmness, compassion and conversation in these turbulent times.
No matter your religion or your politics, this book offers a way to balance your life. It isn’t written for the powerful and the zealots, but rather for ordinary Americans who find themselves caught up in anxiety-producing conversations wondering how to approach the moment. All too often we retreat to silence or engage in unproductive conversations that leave both sides upset. Ron Adams recommends seven steps from the ancient wisdom teachings of spiritual sages and from modern well-being gurus to move any of us along a journey toward balance and satisfaction in life.
- Retail : $14.95 (Paperback)
- Pages : 168
- 5x8 inches
- Publisher: Mission Point Press (June 8, 2021)
- ISBN : 978-1-954-78626-4