Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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I Was Once an Interesting Person - Patti Bean

I Was Once an Interesting Person - Patti Bean


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Book description:

Brought up in an authoritarian, bordering on abusive, family in the 1950s, Kate Baer spent her life searching for love and acceptance. Determined not to repeat the mistakes of her parents, Kate's search led her to 'tune in, turn on, and drop out' in the later years of the hippie movement. Together with her first husband, Con, Kate headed across Route 66, soaking up the changes that were happening in the world and looking for a place to build a life on their own terms. What Kate was looking for couldn't be found in a geographical location, however, and secrets from the past add to the pressures on their relationship. Eventually, they divorce.

Kate enters the 1970s struggling to finish college and begin a career. Love finds Kate again, but what secrets is her new love hiding, and is he really the one she has been looking for?

Again Kate finds herself out of her element as she tries to support her new husband in his battle against drug and alcohol addiction. Can Kate manage to balance her responsibilities, not just to her husband but also to her young son? Can the relationship survive, and can Kate break free from her abusive past to build a better life for them all?

  • Publisher : Mission Point Press (June 20, 2023)
  • ISBN : 978-1-958363-78-2 (softcover)
  • Retail price : $16.95
  • Pages : 214
  • Size : 6 x 9 inches