Winter's Bloom - John Wemlinger
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Book description:
By John Wemlinger
Published by Mission Point Press
For over three decades, Rock Graham has carried the physical and emotional scars from a tour in Vietnam. He is a decorated war hero, but guilt from what happened one dark night in a steaming southeast Asia jungle is always lying in ambush, waiting for an unguarded moment to set his demons free. When he tries to find solitude at a cottage on Lake Michigan in the dead of winter, a chance encounter on the desolate, frozen shoreline changes his life forever.
John Wemlinger has written a powerful novel about a veteran suffering from PTSD and the unlikely path that leads to his salvation. Winter’s Bloom is a poignant tale of loss, love and redemption that will keep you turning the pages.
— Frank P. Slaughter, author of The Veteran and Brotherhood of Iron
Author's web site: