Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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Murder Undone - Stephen Lewis

Murder Undone - Stephen Lewis


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Book description:

By Stephen Lewis
Published by Mission Point Press

Murder Undone picks up the narrative from Murder On Old Mission, years after the trial that sent Sam Logan to life imprisonment for killing his pregnant mistress.  Sam  has been denied parole and is being used by the warden at Jackson State Prison as a source of information concerning possible unrest among the prisoners.  Sam’s son Isaiah, at the urging of his grandmother, continues her efforts to free Sam.  The hired hand Edward, who tried to sell his testimony in Sam's trial, winds up looking for work in Calumet in Michigan's Upper Peninsula during the copper mining strike that culminates in the Italian Hall tragedy of 1913 that resulted in more than seventy deaths, mostly children.  The governor at the time, suggested by the historical Woodbridge Ferris, both injects himself into Sam’s case while dealing with the strike and the tragedy, leading to an unexpected but satisfying resolution.

To learn more about Murder On Old Mission, click here to see the author's page. 

  • Retail price: $14.95
  • Paperback: Approximately 260 pages
  • Publisher: Mission Point Press
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-13: 978-1-943995-20-2  
  • Product Dimensions: 6 x 0.7 x 9 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1 pound

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