Living in the Ulu: Letters from a Peace Corps Volunteer in Malaysia, 1967-68 - Ed Demerly
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Book description:
In 1967, just four years after the birth of the Federation of Malaysia, a young man travels from his home in Michigan to a remote rainforest village on the island of Borneo. Here he finds no telephones, electricity, radios, or running water but plenty of cat-size fruit bats, fire ants, monsoons, mangy dogs, and home-dwelling lizards that occasionally fall from the ceiling. He also discovers a rich culture and villagers who gradually welcome him into their circle. This travel memoir, written by former Peace Corps volunteer Ed Demerly, is based on letters the author wrote home during his two years in the Ulu of Malaysia. Living in the Ulu captures Demerly's sense of adventure, his determination to teach well, the challenges and joys of adjusting to a lifestyle simpler than what he’d known in Michigan, and the love that developed between him and his students and their families.
- Publisher : Mission Point Press (March 30, 2023)
- ISBN : 978-1-958363-69-0
- Retail price : $16.95
- Pages : 232
- Size : 6 x 9 inches