Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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From Pie Stand to Icon: The 100-Year History of The Cherry Hut - Claudia C. Breland

From Pie Stand to Icon: The 100-Year History of The Cherry Hut - Claudia C. Breland


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Book description:

In 1922, Dorothy Kraker set up a simple white roadside stand on Crystal Lake and began selling farm-sized pies made with tart cherries picked from the family orchard. A century later, The Cherry Hut has become a nationally acclaimed full-service restaurant, famous for its cherry pies, jams, ice cream, homemade sandwiches, and much more.

This 100th anniversary book includes historic photos, quirky stories, and a timeline of how The Cherry Hut evolved over ten decades. It also includes an accounting of everyone—owners and employees alike—who invested their talent and energy into making The Cherry Hut such a sweet success.

  • Publisher : Mission Point Press (June 30, 2022)
  • ISBN : ISBN: 978-1-954786-97-4 (softcover)
  • Size : 8.5 x 11 inches
  • Pages : 154
  • Retail price : $19.95

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