O'Connell's Treasure — JR Seeger
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Book description:
In 1943, Captain Peter O’Connell leaves the 82nd Airborne through a mysterious invitation and joins the first US Special Forces, the Office of Special Services (OSS). O’Connell soon realizes the OSS mission to support the Resistance in Occupied Europe is more than just sabotage and subversion.
"Seeger has crafted a fast-paced narrative which carries the reader to multiple hotspots during WWII ... This book may be fictional, but the accuracy and attention to detail yields a fine overview of the extraordinary contributions of a heretofore under-appreciated wartime agency." — ANN TODD, author of OSS Operation Black Mail: One Woman’s Covert War Against the Imperial Japanese Army
"Seeger quickly immerses the reader into the world and missions of the OSS, our nation’s first special operations and intelligence organization. The writing, the ‘feel,’ and behaviors of the characters are authentic, with plenty here to engage both the veteran operator, as well as the casual reader interested in better understanding the actions, courage of our OSS heroes." — LTG (RETIRED) JOHN MULHOLLAND, former Deputy Commander, US Special Operations Command and former Commander, US Army Special Operation Command
"[Seeger] introduces us to the complexities of the war behind the lines across the globe. He clearly knows his stuff; the combat scenes are vivid, the tactics nuanced and sophisticated, with a host of political problems lurking in the background." — COL (RETIRED) NICHOLAS REYNOLDS, author of Ernest Hemingway: Writer, Sailor, Soldier, Spy and Basra, Baghdad, and Beyond: The United States Marine Corps in the Second Iraq War
212 pages
6 x 9 inches
ISBN: 978-1-950659-38-8 (Softcover)
Retail Price: $ 14.95
FICTION / Thrillers / Military
Don't forget the three other books in the Mike4 Series!