Lucy Greene — Richard VanDeWeghe
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Book description:
Book Two of the State Hospital Series
Civil rights activist Lucy Greene becomes embroiled in a web of mystery at the Traverse City State Hospital, where, in 1963, she serves as patient advocate for her ailing friend. In conflict with an influential doctor’s infatuation with the new “wonder drugs,” she investigates overmedicating, side effects, and the influence of the pharmaceutical industry. Lucy aims to expose corruption without losing her position as patient advocate. Lucy Greene depicts one woman’s search for justice against a backdrop of the civil rights movement, the Vietnam War, presidential assassination, and the influence of big pharma.
“A captivating book, rooted in history and the search for truth.” — Dennis Chapman, Instructor of Health Law and Ethics
FICTION / Historical / General
FICTION / Medical
5.5 x 8.5 inches
322 pages
ISBN: 978-1-950659-68-5
Retail price: $19.95