Mission Point Press, Traverse City, Mich.
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Bear Bones — Charles  Cutter

Bear Bones — Charles Cutter


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Book description:

Helen Lockwood's boat was found drifting off Sleeping Bear Dunes with no one aboard. A year later her body was found in a shallow grave on South Manitou Island. She had been in court, fighting with the Park Service who had condemned her family's four-hundred acre cherry orchard and intends to make it part of the new national park. 

Burr Lafayette, recently divorced and the deposed head of a major Detroit law firm, has kept the Park Service at bay for seven years, with no end in sight. Until Helen's husband, Tommy, is arrested for her murder. It seems he had been trying to sell the orchards to the Park Service ever since Helen went missing. All of the evidence points to Tommy, but there's no shortage of suspects. 

But Burr isn't a criminal lawyer. A man at loose ends, he's a brilliant litigator who prefers sailboats and dogs over courtrooms and clients, but he's convinced there is a clue somewhere that will unlock the truth, even though Tommy may be the murderer.

Bear Bones is being released on the fiftieth anniversary of the formation of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore on Lake Michigan. Celebrations are planned all year. The Park has been a great success, but its formation was full of controversy. 

Bear Bones is the third book in the Burr Lafayette mystery series. Kirkus reviewed both The Pink Pony and The Gray Drake.

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